AliExpress - Shopping App is the ultimate online shopping destination, offering millions of products at unbeatable prices right at your fingertips. Whether you're looking for trendy fashion pieces or innovative tech gadgets, AliExpress has it all. With powerful search filters and curated collections, you can easily find exactly what you need. Shop confidently with secure payment options and stay updated with tracking features. Plus, enjoy exclusive discounts, flash sales, and coupons to make your shopping experience even more rewarding.
Features of AliExpress - Shopping App:
> Unrivaled Selection: AliExpress offers millions of products from various categories including fashion, tech, home essentials, and more, ensuring that shoppers can find exactly what they need.
> Competitive Pricing: Enjoy discount shopping at its best with competitive prices on a wide range of items, making AliExpress a haven for those looking to save money while shopping online.
> Convenient Shopping Experience: With powerful search filters, curated collections, and new arrivals daily, browsing and finding your desired items on AliExpress is easy and exciting.
> Secure Transactions: Shop with confidence knowing that your transactions are secure and protected by AliExpress's secure payment options and customer service team.
> Is AliExpress safe to use for online shopping?
- Yes, AliExpress is a secure platform that offers secure payment options and a customer service team ready to assist with any issues.
> Are there any discounts or coupons available on AliExpress?
- Yes, AliExpress frequently offers incredible deals, flash sales, and coupons to make your shopping experience even more rewarding.
> Can I track my order on AliExpress?
- Yes, AliExpress provides order tracking from the moment of purchase to delivery, ensuring you're informed every step of the way.
AliExpress - Shopping App stands out as a premier online marketplace, providing an unparalleled selection of millions of products across diverse categories at highly competitive prices. Its powerful search filters and curated collections make finding trendy fashion, tech gadgets, or home essentials both effortless and enjoyable. Shoppers can browse new arrivals daily and take advantage of exclusive discounts, flash sales, and coupons to maximize savings. With secure payment options and reliable order tracking, AliExpress ensures a safe and transparent shopping experience.
Category: Other Publisher: alibaba mobile File size: 74.40M Language: English Requirements: Android Package ID:
This app sends me nonstop notifications. 20-30 a day and they're all advertising random products. There's no option in app to only recieve notifications for orders, even though it seems like there is. The notification settings in app control text message and email notifications, not phone pop-ups. 1 star, refusing to buy anything until this changes.2024-12-07 13:20:30
Normal shopping app comes all the way from china so to the place where I live it takes about a month or shorter to get to me. This app is just starting to crash, it's really laggy it takes a while to get from one product to another. I recommend this app you can find lots of stuff that you can't find on other app for example on shein. the prices are low but product quality is not the best. I advise you to check reviews before buying.2024-12-07 05:19:44
Good price and quality and fast enough delivery. The ease of use in the app can be improved.for example when I'm looking at an item and decide to go to the main page, I have to keep clicking the back button and there no quick access to the menu.2024-12-06 21:44:48
Predatory practices, (most) products are barely good enough to not be refundable (or make you think like a refund's due), annoying notifications even though I only have "order notifications" enabled, and I'll bet my left nutsack that most "discounts" are fake. However, this is the best place I know of for convenient and cheap products that were most likely made unethically and with low standards. Buying things off of AliExpress is like getting a fleshlight because you can't score a chick.2024-12-06 09:01:40
Aliexpress evolved incredibly the app. One thing missing on the android Search: Not an option to search by stars and number of sells. Both details are available for each item, but no filter allowing to combine search by rating of product combine with number of minimum items sold !! I need to look 1 by 1 taking days to me to read look, for something could be done in minutes. Preventing me sometimes buy on aliexpress. Business is first, customer is first ! Thanks :)2024-12-06 03:26:39
I bought a few items from AliExpres, and they were showing the price in us dollars, as my setting also in dollars. On the checkout, they changed me in Euro. So when checking with my bank. I found the price was higher in dollars. Also, my bank charged me transaction fee. So buy buy AliExpress . I am not buying anything from them anymore. And uninstalling the app.2024-12-04 08:58:41