The Pošta online app provides all the essential information about postal services right at your fingertips. Each component offers intuitive controls and user-friendly features. One of the standout features is the automatic tracking of your packages. Simply input the contact information of your shipment, and the app will load the details for you. Stay informed about the movement of your package with important information such as the pickup code, storage duration, estimated delivery time, and the amount of cash on delivery. The app also allows you to input your customer cards, eliminating the need for physical plastic cards. Additionally, you can schedule appointments at Czech POINT offices to avoid waiting in line and easily find detailed information about any branch, including address, opening hours, congestion, and available services. Stay on top of your postal needs with the Pošta online app.
Features of Pošta Online:
❤️ Automatic loading of shipments: The app automatically loads shipments by using the contact information provided for each shipment.
❤️ Package tracking: Users can easily track the movement of their packages and access important information, such as pick-up codes, storage duration, estimated delivery time, and payment details.
❤️ Queue tickets: Upon entering a queue ticket number, the app notifies users when it's their turn, reducing the need to wait in long lines.
❤️ Customer cards: Users can upload their customer cards onto the app, allowing them to fully utilize the benefits without carrying physical cards.
❤️ Czech POINT appointments: Users can schedule appointments at Czech POINT for specific times, avoiding the need to wait in queues.
❤️ Branch locator: Easily find detailed information about any branch, including address, opening hours, service availability, and branch workload.
With intuitive controls and user-friendly features, the App "Pošta online" provides the most important postal services information at your fingertips. From automatic package loading to tracking shipments, managing queue tickets, storing customer cards, scheduling Czech POINT appointments, and locating branches easily, this app is a must-have for anyone looking for convenient and efficient postal services. Download now and experience hassle-free postal management.
Category: Tools Publisher: File size: 55.99M Language: English Requirements: Android Package ID: cz.postaonline.android
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