Stay organized and never miss an important date with our "Kalendár SK" app. Designed specifically for those in Slovakia, this app is your go-to resource for the Slovak calendar on your phone or tablet. Easily find the dates of public holidays, school holidays, and name days. Set reminders for your personal and work events, whether it's a wedding anniversary or a meeting. The app also notifies you of loved ones' birthdays, allowing you to call them directly and make them happy. With a user-friendly interface, you can scroll through the calendar, enter new events, and customize widgets on your desktop. Upgrade to the Pro version for even more features, including additional calendar styles and extended settings options. Download now and have all your dates and important information at your fingertips. Please note that the app is available only in Slovak language.
Features of Kalendár SK:
❤️ Comprehensive Calendar: The application provides a complete Slovak calendar with all the important dates, including public holidays, school holidays, and name days.
❤️ Easy Navigation: Users can conveniently scroll through the calendar by swiping left or right to find specific dates and events.
❤️ Detailed Previews: The app offers a detailed preview of individual days, displaying descriptions and dates of national holidays and school holidays.
❤️ Event Reminders: Users can effortlessly enter new events and receive clear alerts for important private or work events, such as anniversaries, celebrations, or meetings.
❤️ Birthday Reminders: The SK calendar also remembers and notifies users about their loved ones' birthdays, allowing them to directly call and make them happy.
❤️ Additional Features: The calendar app includes useful features like widgets that can be placed on the desktop to display the current date, today's name day, and upcoming events. It also provides information on time changes, sunrise and sunset times, and phases of the moon.
With the "Kalendár SK" app, you can have the Slovak calendar with all its essential features right at your fingertips. Stay organized and never miss important dates, whether it's public holidays, school holidays, name days, or personal events. The app's user-friendly interface and convenient navigation make it easy to use, while its event reminders and birthday notifications ensure that you are always prepared. Upgrade to the Pro version for even richer functionality, including additional calendar styles and extended settings options. Download the app today and never miss a special day again!
Category: Tools Publisher: Alteris File size: 13.23M Language: English Requirements: Android Package ID: sk.alteris.app.kalendarsk
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