Bredbandskollen is an incredible app that allows you to effortlessly test the speed of your internet connection, whether it's from your mobile device or fixed internet. With just a few taps, you can quickly measure your download and upload speed, as well as your latency. What's even better is that this app is completely free to use! And don't worry, your privacy is protected and your data remains anonymous. The app even gives you the option to share your location during the test, which can be displayed on a speed map for others to see. If you're looking for a reliable and user-friendly way to check your internet speed, Bredbandskollen is the perfect app for you.
Features of Bredbandskollen:
❤️ Speed measurement: The app allows you to easily check the speed of your mobile or fixed internet connection.
❤️ Download and upload speed: The app provides you with accurate measurements of both your download and upload speeds.
❤️ Latency measurement: You can also measure the latency of your internet connection using Bredbandskollen.
❤️ User-friendly interface: The app is designed to be easy to use, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.
❤️ Data privacy: Your integrity is protected, and your data remains anonymous. The only personal data stored is your IP address.
❤️ Optional location sharing: When measuring your mobile internet speed, you have the choice to share the position where the measurement was taken. The app collects this data and displays it in a speed map, allowing users to see internet speeds in different areas.
With accurate measurements of download and upload speeds, as well as latency, you can easily determine the quality of your mobile or fixed internet. The app is free of charge and ensures your data privacy by only storing your IP address. Additionally, Bredbandskollen offers an optional feature to share the location of the speed measurement, allowing users to see internet speeds in different areas. Download now to effortlessly test your internet speed and improve your browsing experience.
Category: Tools Publisher: Internetstiftelsen i Sverige File size: 4.85M Language: English Requirements: Android Package ID: se.iis.bbk
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