Introducing the "Komunikacja Miejska Szczecin" app, your ultimate guide to navigating the public transportation system in Szczecin. With this user-friendly app, you can access a map displaying all the stops, along with their schedules and real-time updates on the whereabouts of the city's vehicles. What's more, you can even view virtual departure boards for stops that don't have physical electronic displays. Though the location of vehicles is approximate and those without location data won't be visible, the app still provides reliable information that refreshes approximately every 30 seconds. Remember, this unofficial app relies on data from http://zditm.szczecin.pl and occasional system issues are beyond its control. Plus, it's open source! Check it out on https://github.com/pzienowicz/ZDiTMSzczecinLive.
Features of Komunikacja Miejska Szczecin:
- Displays information about public transportation in Szczecin, including maps, schedules, and real-time vehicle locations.
- Provides a virtual departure board for all stops, even those without physical electronic boards.
- Shows approximate vehicle locations as they transmit their location information.
- Unofficial app that retrieves data from the http://zditm.szczecin.pl website.
- Disclaimer that the system may sometimes experience issues or operate slowly, which is beyond the app's control.
- Open-source app, which means it is available for anyone to view, modify, and contribute to on GitHub.
Komunikacja Miejska Szczecin, designed to enhance your experience with public transportation in Szczecin, offers a range of features to ensure easy navigation and access to real-time information. From maps and schedules to virtual departure boards and vehicle locations, this unofficial application provides a comprehensive tool for staying updated on the city's transportation network. Please note that the app relies on external data, and occasional system slowdowns may occur. However, its open-source nature allows for continuous improvement and community-driven enhancements. Download now to streamline your travel experience in Szczecin.
Category: Tools Publisher: File size: 4.99M Language: English Requirements: Android Package ID: pl.pzienowicz.zditmszczecinlive
Bezsensowna aplikacja nic sie nie da zrobic2024-04-17 05:03:19
mesh wifi all over the town :)2024-04-15 23:32:03
Nie działa wykrywanie lokalizacji na OpenStreetMap. Po lewej na górze są ikonki do zbliżania/oddalania i ikonka do zbliżenia mapy na aktualną pozycję GPS - nie działa niestety i trzeba samemu "znaleźć się" na mapie. Czy rozkłady jazdy wskazują też odwołane kursy? Dane te dostępne są na ZDTiM Szczecin wiec raczej jest możliwość ich wyświetlenia w apce. Ogolnie fajna apka :) Pozdrawiam Dawid Update 20/09/2023 Dziękuję za poprawki, wyglada na to ze aktualizacja z 02/09/2023 rozwiązała problem :)2024-04-15 16:36:00
Czy jest możliwość, żeby mapa nie była taka rozmyta i pikselowata?2024-04-14 03:45:26
-Opcja ustawienia mapy domyślnej zawiera błąd jezykowy- tekst glosi: "ustawiono jako mape domyslna" a chodzi o trase jakiejs lini. -niewygodna obsluga w przypadku podgladania przesiadek: nie można ustawic widoku 2 tras na raz :(2024-04-13 07:31:55