Sky: Children of the Light Embraces the Arrival of Spring through the Days of Blossom Event

Experience the magical "Days of Bloom" event making a comeback in the captivating social adventure game Sky: Children of the Light! Immerse yourself in the beauty of the skies and celebrate the rejuvenation of Spring!
Within the captivating realm of Sky: Children of the Light, the highly anticipated "Days of Bloom" event is making its return, gracing the game with its presence from March 25th to April 14th. This event serves as a celebration of the game's splendor and the renewal of spring. Over a span of three weeks, players have the opportunity to venture into the most untamed realms of Sky, encountering refreshing showers and lively thunderstorms that will trigger the blooming of a diverse range of colorful flowers. These blossoms will metamorphose the surroundings into a breathtaking masterpiece, offering a visual delight for all to savor.
The Days of Bloom event brings radiance to the Prairie in Sky: Children of the Light — A Tribute to Tranquility
In the serene expanses of Daylight Prairie's Prairie Peaks, the "Days of Bloom" commence with a week of gentle showers, followed by two weeks of uninterrupted sunshine. As the rain subsides, denizens of Sky delight in the splendor of their realm, congregating by the Bloom Guide for collective meditation. Here, they have the opportunity to transform into graceful jellyfish and join numerous other players in a unified exploration, courtesy of the game company's cutting-edge Festival Tech.
Together, these players journey through landscapes ranging from the watery depths of riverbeds to the lofty edges of the clouds. Furthermore, several picturesque locations have undergone a rejuvenation across Sky, such as the magnificent pink tree at Home, attracting both newcomers and seasoned players to witness the transient beauty of its blossoming and fading flowers. Similarly, the dunes of the Forgotten Ark have burst to life, adorned in a profusion of vibrant wildflowers.
In the enchanting realm of "Sky: Children of the Light," an enchanting new event called "Days of Bloom" has begun. Participants, known as Sky children, are enthusiastically participating in collecting event-specific currency over a period of three weeks. This virtual currency can be exchanged for a range of themed items, including the highly sought-after arum petal cape, arum petal hair, the pointed spring hairstyle, and the delightful lilypad umbrella.
During the event's first week, players are introduced to the Prairie Peaks area, where they can discover four flower-shaped currencies hidden throughout the region. The pursuit of the fifth currency adds an element of thrill and challenge, as it is only accessible to those daring enough to venture into the heart of a storm and be struck by lightning. As the event progresses into subsequent weeks with calm weather, players can locate all five currencies in various locations within the same region.
As players traverse the captivating expanse of the Sky universe, they will forge meaningful connections with other players, customize their avatars to showcase their personalities, and share their in-game adventures.